Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm back people!

And just in the lick of time because tomorrow I do it all again! This week totally sucked which is why I didn't write other to notify you all that I was not dead- touch and go for a while, but heart never stopped tickin. Just felt sick to my stomach, but no barfy-barfy, had no appetite and couldn't bring myself to eat anything for a couple days.
The hair issue has gotten a bit more difficult this week as it is falling out a lot, a lot! Not just more than usual, but I'm guessing i will be bald in two weeks at the rate I'm losing hair. It takes a bit longer to remove all the hair that I've shed in the shower cleaned up and off my body- do you know that it is possible to look like Chewbaca, fresh out of a shower? It's true, I'm not into nudie pictures or I'd totally prove it. It's very messy which just adds insult to injury! :)
I was given the name of a co-worker's friend who is also going through treatment, who I've been procrastinating contacting. But now that my hair is falling out, I think I might have some questions I want to ask her! I have trouble asking for help and that sort of thing, so I just need to do it and benefit from her experiences.
No plans for the holiday weekend- kinda holding off on that until I know last week was a fluke and I might actually feel like doing something. So, if anyone has anything in mind, give me a call!

1 comment:

  1. Loosing the hair is so difficult ... I ended up shaving it off ... it felt better for me.
