Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meeting the surgeon

Today was the first day I was going to meet the surgeon who was going to remove this mysterious lump. Dr. J said I'd really like him, because he was a lot like him. :) He set me up for an ultrasound-guided biopsy across the street at a Breast Care Center. So I went over there immediately, they were going to fit me in yet that morning if I had time to possibly wait a while as I was not a scheduled appt. Mom and I went over there, they did anther mammogram, this was was digital so they would be able to see the lump better. They were also able to do an ultrasound on the lump and the doctor came in and explained the my insurance company wouldn't approve the biopsy for that day. They said it was against their policy to approve a biopsy and an ultrasound on the same day, so I would need to come back tomorrow for the biopsy. Are you kidding me? So I immediately went back to work and got on the horn with our insurance rep, since I deal with her on issues for other people every day at work. They, of course, had no record that anyone had called in to get authorization for the procedure. So another day to wait...

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