Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

So it's officially Breast Cancer Awareness Month! I suppose it's a good thing to make people aware of the issues, risks and what to look for. It's also a great excuse to have your aunt make you pink colored kringla cookies for all your pals at the Cancer Center! Thanks Kath!
I heard some commercials on the radio last night that kinda honked me off though- the "i'm not gonna cry because I have cancer, cancer won't beat me!" song and dance. I think that if you don't cry because you have cancer, there is something seriously wrong with you! Hell, I cry nearly everday and I don't think there's anything wrong with that! Makes me more thankful for what I have and when I feel good. Kind of puts things into perspective when you're actually sick! :)
I had a bit of a rough weekend, felt sick to my stomach- still kind of do. I made it to Finn's birthday party on Saturday! Yay- I'll always get out of bed for a cupcake loaded in frosting!
My liver enzymes were too high on Friday to get my entire dose of chemo since it's processed through the liver, so I now have to go back this Friday to get the other half of my dose. Boo! It's birthday weekend! What's worse than turning 30? Turning 30 and having chemo! :) BTW I'm using a lot of smiley faces because I'm not really bitter- i just like to point out the irony in most everything, because R U FN KIDDING ME? with all this cancer business in the first place? :) --another one...
I stayed home from work on Monday and part of Tuesday, I was completely exhausted and couldn't eat anything. I had to go in for a blood draw on Monday and ended up leaving before I saw the nurse becuase I thought I was gonna barf right there in the waiting room, so it was a keep your mouth closed, don't talk to anyone or puke will literally come out, kinda exit!

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