Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life goes on!

So in attempt to create some normalcy amongst the chaos, my mom really wanted to go camping over Memorial Day weekend, which Friday was the same day I had my MRI. She had already been to Yankton to set up the tent and it was raining on her the entire time. We got to Yankton around 7 that night and my aunt and uncle were already there in their camper.
It was a lot of sitting around all weekend, as it was raining the entire weekend. We sat in the tent or camper and read all day, sat at the campfire that night. When I woke up on Saturday I was pretty sore from the surgery and a bit irritable from sleeping outside, not to mention, my mom snores. I just started crying and I couldn't stop. At this point, anytime someone looked at me, I would just cry. I couldn't think of anything else other than all the unknowns of the tests and where I was going from here. That afternoon I got a picture message from Steph who took a picture of Trennan's skateboard that he put a pink ribbon on...that got me alll worked up again because I feel sad that the kids have to deal with this too. They will have memories of this horrible time in my life that they won't forget either. He had also said that if I lose my hair, he will shave his head. No need for everyone to be ugly! I wouldn't let him do that.
So it was a very emotional weekend although nothing happened, it was just trying to encorporate something normal back into my life and it didn't go very well. It never leaves my mind.

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