Thursday, May 7, 2009

Surgery day

I had to go in for pre-cert for surgery the day before during my lunch break. They did all the blood tests and went through my medical history, met with the anesthesiologist and did all the vitals what whatnot. I was hysterical through the entire process. Each time someone asked me why I was having surgery I started balling. They all tried to be encouraging and relax me by saying that everything would turn out ok and it could turn out to be nothing. "I already know it's cancer!" I kept telling them- I think they thought I was being paranoid, but I really already knew it was cancer. I had every right to be utterly freaked out!
So the next day was the surgery. Kim and Mom came with me. First thing off the bat, the hospital chaplin came in and talked to us. We all sat in the room and cried with her, in disbelief that this was even happening. Followed by the nurse, who left the room because she was getting emotional as well. We're a real bundle of fun!
Finally they came to take me to inject stuff for the sentinal node-business. I was waiting for this because they had told me that once they injected this blue dye, they could give me something to calm me down. I wanted to be sedated as early as possible, for as long as possible! This is what they do, you lie on a table and they take a needle and shoot blue die directly into the boob, just outside the nipple area. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt too bad. After it was over the doctor asked me to rate it on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain ever- I rated it only about a 4- he said women have all sorts of different opinions, but there's a numb-er in the dye, so that eases the process. Once they get the needle in, they point left, then up (that was the painful part) and then to the right- a trifold of pain!
I got taken back to my room where they finally gave me something to chill out a bit! Shortly after that, they came to get me for surgery. I teared up as I made my way into another operating room- I've had way too much experience in there.
I remember waking up in the recovery room. There was a young nurse sitting by me and I kept asking what they were giving me for pain. I had bad reactions to morphine and I didn't want any of that, and for some reason I was feeling chatty and wanted to tell her all about it. I was hurting pretty badly and she was giving me everything she could for pain.
I got back to my room and Amy, Mom and Kim were there waiting for me.
I got to go home shortly after that as the same day surgery center was closing so they wanted me gone. I stood up for a minute to go to the bathroom and started throwing up. Went to the bathroom, came back and threw up. Mom went out to get the car to drive up to me, while I was in the wheelchair sitting at the nurses station, I started throwing up again, got it all over the nurse and myself. oops! sorry!
When we got outside, mom's car wouldn't start- it's because she backs into every oarking spot and jinxes herself. It's funny because when we got to the hospital that morning, I pointed out to Kim that she had backed into the parking spot in the hospital lot-so anyway, Mom called John to come jump her car and Kim came and got me.
Went home and slept for about a week...

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