Saturday, December 19, 2009


I met with the Radiation Doctor on Thursday. I'm going to have 30 treatments to the entire breast area, the last 5 of those will be pinpointed directly to the spot where the cancer is. He said I didn't need to have radiation to my armpit area to get the lymphnodes because they didn't feel there would be any increased benefit since there was only one teeny-tiny spot on one lymphnode that was bad. Also, the way the that the radiation will hit that boob, it will also reach that same area of the lymphnodes so it will get some radiation to that area.
On Tuesday the 29th, I'll go back in to get my tattoo markers. There will be 4 pin point marks tattood on my chest area that will line up the lasers. Maybe I can make a special request for a design or color of some sort, probably not....
I will have to see the doctor every Tuesday as well as a nutritionist since apparently having proper nutrition during radiation helps dramatically- whatever :) There shouldn't be any serious side-effects of the radiation, other than fatigue and skin irritation. I can't wear any bras that have underwire because it will rub on the site and make the irritation worse. I also have to wear some special deodorant that doesn't have aluminum. They said it's not the best stuff, but that's all I can wear. There's also only one certain lotion I can wear, it's like vaseline.

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