Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I've been trying to keep this "breast cancer related business" on this little bloggy here and I think this qualifies.
Today I went to the post office to mail a few parcels on my lunch break. There was no one parked in the spot next to me. I was standing at the back door of my car about to open the door when this old man comes around the corner to park in the spot right next to me. As he is driving into the spot, he starts honking at me. Seriously, honking at me! As I opened the door, I turned around to see what I had hoped to be a stray animal or child stranded in the empty parking spot he was about to park in, perhaps his breaks had gone out, which would give good reason to all the honking. No, no child or animal was standing behind me. I just stopped and stared at him and he was glaring back at me. So I stood there and watched him walk into the building, like a bitch because I was totally honked off. So I finished grabbing my things from my back seat, the door of which was completely opened as far as it would go, still not even near the white lines!

This is when I finally get to gripe about this in this blog...I try not to put all my other editorials in this blog because it's neither the time or the place to do that...until now.

I enter the post office and he had finished buying the one stamp that he came to buy. There was no one else in the store, but I still stood far back and continued to watch him as he gabbed with the lady at the counter, given him plenty of time to contemplate what an ass he is. He must have needed a little longer to think about it, becuase he still stood there gabbing with the lady. Then he starts asking her about all the "flair" she has on her name badge. He points out a pink ribbon and asks her why she has that and that she's too young to have to deal with something like that, she was probably in her 50's (not that anyone should have to deal with it, but that's the normal age, 29 is not)...She says that she is not a survivor, but she one time had a non-cancerous tumor removed, but that had been years ago. She also added that she had a friend's sister's cousin, twice removed, who had a teacher in grade school whose student's mom had breast cancer 30 years ago.... So the man, who I'm buring holes in the back of his head with my eyes, continues to empathize with her near-never cancer experience, soothing her with kinds words and is truely distraught by the news she had just told him, a perfect stranger. I was BITING MY TONGUE to play my cancer card with him. The cancer card that HE was handing out, he just didn't know I was a carrier of that card! Yeah, the person that he just honked at for 20 minutes for opening my car door near a parking spot that he was going to drive into, had this horrible, terrible disease and today was the day I felt good enough to go to the damn post office! I'm still super pissed at the old man which is why I really wanted to share this with just never know what other people are dealing with when you're a jerk to them! And if you see an old man hanging around the Hamilton post office, honk at him and tell him to relax!

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