Sunday, September 20, 2009

Let's get re-aquainted!

It's been a while since I've last posted! I had chemo on Friday the 11th with the new drug I started. It was still a partial dose of what I will be getting in a few weeks once I finish out the cycle I am on. I felt ok on Saturday, I went to breakfast with Chris and Amy and the boys, did a little shopping and I was beat by the time we were done. I came home around 11 and went to straight to nap. Slept most of Saturday and Sunday. Missed work on Monday and Tuesday- I didn't have the energy to shower or anything! I wore the same sweats from Saturday till Tuesday, I was just too exhaused to change or move. I did manage to soak in the tub one night.
Once I was feeling better, I was busy busy at work all week, which is why I haven't posted anything. I tend to work a lot on my weeks off so I can bank some time for when I'm feeling crappy. My tastebuds were completely shot last week! Everything tasted horrible- bitter like baking soda. I started to regain some normal taste of my food last weekend but I was also not able to eat any foods that weren't cooked because my counts were low. I didn't know that my counts were low until today I asked the doc what the reasoning for this is, because I wanted nothing more than watermelon last week so I actually threw away the one I had in my fridge because I wanted to eat it so badly! I'm very impulsive and have no self control so I thought it was best to throw it out! I've also been getting a lot of bloody noses again and have a cough, which apparently is from this chemo. My nose hurts so bad, it's like raw inside, so when i move my mouth (which has sores on the corners of my lips- they're healing tho) it pulls and hurts! I feel like a negative nancy writing this but I did have a really good week after Tuesday!
A friend at work 'set me up' with her sister in law who is a breast cancer survivor, so we have been emailing back and forth for a few weeks. It's so nice to hear her stories and know I'm not losing my mind. She has had the same chemo that I had so she experienced a lot of the same side effects. We've been swapping stories and she's answered a lot of my questions. I hope to meet her sometime soon. It's like we're on-line dating! :)


  1. I too end up living in the same clothes for days and nights. Too tired to change them. Coughs, bloody noses, awful taste-buds, fatigue ... yip I can relate.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. I'm reading a book that the author said she allowed herself 3 days to be knocked down before she started kicking her own butt. I think that's a good rule to live by, after my 4th day feeling bad I just wanted to drop off the face of the earth! I think its good to allow yourself some time, but put a cap on it so it doesn't control your life!
